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Your future is now

Learn about your opportunities for a future in one of Denmarks most fascinating and internationally oriented businesses. Food and agriculture companies need employees within a wide range of fields. There is a need for engineers, business developers, food scientists, agriculture specialists, accountants, marketeers etc. Basically anything that you can think of!

Just like last year, Career Day will this year be held in Agro Food Park 26. There will be two timeslots to choose from. You can see the timeslots and their schedules further down this page. 

Join timeslot 1: 10.00-13.30

10.00 -10.15 Welcome by CEO Anne-Marie Hansen, Agro Food Park, and 4 new employees in the agriculture and food cluster

10.40 - 11.00 Presentation: Love your microbes - they are everywhere, Lallemand

11.15 -11.45. Q&A First job - what is HR looking for? v. Foodjob Nordic

11.15  Sandwich to-go, Compass Group

12.00 - 12.20 Presentation: Developing the plant-based value chain: From farm to fork in the Danish Agro Group

12.30 - 12.50 Talk: Turning waste into value - Biogas production v. Nature Energy, Lina Johanna Nåbo Andersen

12.30 - 13.30 Workshop: Professional Networking for Students and Graduates v. Foodjob Nordic and Studenterhus Aarhus


Sign up already now, to secure a spot!

Join timeslot 2: 13.15-16.15

13.15 - 13.30 Welcome by CEO Anne-Marie Hansen, Agro Food Park, and 4 new employees in the agriculture and food cluster

13.50 - 14.10 Talk: Digital Crops – Satellite images, Tractor and Machinedata, drones and loads of data by Digital Director Jesper Riber Nielsen, SEGES Innovation P/S

14.30 - 15.00 Q&A Entrepreneur - inspiration for starting your own business by Food & Bio Cluster Denmark and The Kitchen

15.10 - 15.30 Talk: Microorganisms in our food - The good, the bad and the ugly by CEO Prof. Dieter Elsser-Gravesen, ISI Food Protection

15.40 - 16.00 Talk: AI in agriculture - latest trends and solutions by Technical Manager Philipp Trénel, Danish Technological Institute

16.00  Bao and networking

Sign up already now, to secure a spot!

Citater Engelsk (2)

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Watch the video from Career Day 2022

Last year we had the pleasure of following Marc Auguet, while he explored and experienced Career Day. Marc is a student at Aarhus University, studying his master in Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology. Watch the video to get a feel of how Career Day 2023 will look like.

Click here to meet Marc :-)

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Click here to meet Marc :-)

Here you can see all the participating companies:

Are you a company interested in joining Career Day 2023?

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