Prepare for contact with companies

The following steps will help you prepare for contact with companies:

1. Update your CV
Make sure your CV is updated and ready to be sent to relevant companies after Career Day. There are plenty of great templates available online if you are unsure of how a good CV is structured

2. Update your LinkedIn
Make sure your LinkedIn profile is updated to connect with the people you talk to at Career Day. It's an easy way to expand your network. It doesn't matter how active you are on LinkedIn - the most important thing is that you have written a relevant 'About' text and that you have described education, work experience and whatever else is relevant.

3. Create an elevator speech
Prepare how to best present your interests and skills. Practice saying it out loud in a way that allows people to understand what you do and what you are interested in.

4. Prepare your strengths
It's always good to be aware of what you're particularly good at and where your strengths lie. If that's hard to figure out, think about what you do that gives you energy and that you find fun. This is often linked to what you're also good at.