Erling Grønkjær Fiskeeksport A/S

Agro Food Park has made an agreement with Erling Grønkjær Fiskeeksport A/S, who offers delivery of fish to all employees working in Agro Food Park.

All the products are processed and frozen individually on the day of purchase from the local fish auction in Hanstholm on the west coast of Denmark. When frozen individually, the products are easy to handle and thus avoid food waste. Delivered in poly-boxes, the products are ensured to stay frozen up to 48 hours.

You place your order directly with Erling Grønkjær Fiskeeksport A/S and payment is settled either by cash or via MobilePay.

Delivery Thursdays every second week (44-46-48, etc.)

Place your order by mail to by Tuesday in the same week by 13:00.

Your order will be delivered at the goods delivery in Agro Food Park 15.

For questions please send a mail to or call +45 9796 1422 / +45 2427 1060.

See the price list and order sheet.

Please note that Agro Food Park is not, in any way, to be held responsible for your delivery as Agro Food Park is only the communicator of this contact