Results from the Agro Food Park survey 2022

In February 2023, Agro Food Park made a comeback with our annual survey of satisfaction and the development of companies in Agro Food Park in 2022. As of February 2023, there are approx. 100 different companies in Agro Food Park. In the survey, we have asked 92 managers and representatives from the companies and received responses from a total of 52 respondents. We have collected all the answers that could be relevant or interesting for employees, managers and guests in Agro Food Park.

Facts about companies
58% of the respondents' companies are represented in Agro Food Park with 1-5 employees, and about 9% with more than 100 employees. 38% of the respondents' companies have 100% of their employees permanently affiliated in Agro Food Park. 60% of the respondents' companies have chosen to have their head office in Agro Food Park. In general, there is a big difference in the size of the companies in Agro Food Park, and we are pleased about this, as it shows that we can accommodate a little bit of everything.

For 54% of the respondents' companies, the car is the primary means of transport to and from Agro Food Park. However, we are also pleased to see that 52% of the respondents' companies have some employees who use the bicycle as their primary transport. However, the situation is different with public transport, where virtually no employees in Agro Food Park choose this as their primary transport. 67% of respondents actually believe that none of their employees ever use public transport to and from Agro Food Park. We take these responses to us and we will continue to do what we can to make Agro Food Park more accessible. However, 63% of respondents give Agro Food Park a score of 8 or more out of 10 for overall accessibility.

When it comes to parking, 60% of the respondents give Agro Food Park's parking facilities a score of 8 or more out of 10. However, there are also 29% who give Agro Food Park a score of 5 or less. Since July last year, we have had parking control in the area, which enforces that the guest parking is reserved for guests. We are aware that not everyone is happy with the parking control, but we hope that you will continue to show consideration for your colleagues and guests in Agro Food Park. 36% of respondents estimate that there is barely enough or not enough capacity to charge electric cars in Agro Food Park. At the time of the survey, there were 6 charging points for electric cars for employees in Agro Food Park. In March, after the survey was conducted, we added three new spaces next to Agro Food Park 15 and the four charging points at Agro Food Park 26, which were previously only for guests, can now be used by employees as well. There are now 13 charging points in total. You can charge your car for a maximum of three hours. This means that we have the capacity to charge approximately 39 electric cars per day. We continuously monitor the capacity and assess whether it is possible and necessary to install new charging points.

There is generally a very positive response to holding meetings in Agro Food Park. 78% of the respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with the availability of meeting rooms. 80% are satisfied or very satisfied with the functionality of the meeting rooms. 84% assess that overall it is always or often a good experience to hold meetings in Agro Food Park. 60% are satisfied or very satisfied with meeting refreshments, and 27% do not use meeting refreshments. These are some results we are very pleased to see, and we will of course maintain the high standard in the future. 88% of respondents also assess that overall it is always or often a good experience to have guests visiting Agro Food Park. We are also very pleased to hear this.

Janitor and reception
In our service areas, we receive a lot of positive feedback. 80% of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with our janitorial services. 71% of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with the reception service. This makes our janitors and receptionists happy and proud and motivates them to keep up the good work. They thank you very much for all the good co-operation and relationships. We are aware of some situations mentioned by some of the survey respondents and we always do our best to solve the problems as quickly as possible and to everyone's satisfaction.

82% of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with the range and quality of our canteens. This makes our canteen staff extremely proud and happy. They work hard to be frontrunners when it comes to food and take on as many sustainable and climate-friendly initiatives as possible. At Agro Food Park, we are very pleased that you all support and back the canteens' initiatives. We have also received constructive criticism for the canteen selection, and want to make you all aware that price, reduction of food waste and climate-friendly choices mean that we cannot meet all wishes for the canteens' offerings.

Cleaning services
72% are satisfied or very satisfied with the cleaning. We are happy to hear this. However, 14% are dissatisfied with the cleaning. We do everything we can to ensure a high level of cleanliness for everyone and are in constant dialogue with our cleaning service provider. We thank you for your understanding and for your attention and feedback on the cleaning.

Service offers
At Agro Food Park, we have a range of services for employees. This includes everything from being able to buy snacks, wine and gifts in the kiosk in the canteens, to being able to go to the hairdresser in Agro Food Park, and to the outdoor exercise classes on Tuesdays. 75% of the respondents believe that a majority or almost everyone knows about the services. 31% believe that few or almost no one knows about the services. We do what we can to continuously draw attention to the various service offers. Both through our newsletter Monday News, but also on our website, where you can always find an overview of the offers. 82% of respondents attach some or great value to being a manager in an environment that has service offers targeted at employees. On the first Monday of every month, Agro Food Park offers a guided tour for new and old employees, where you are introduced to the Agro Food Park Network, the Agro Food Park Team and the Agro Food Park Place. We encourage and recommend that all new employees and employees who have not been on this tour before, join the tour the next time they have the opportunity to do so.

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Professional events
Around 50% of respondents place some or high value on the professional events, such as drop-in meetings, Food, Trends & Sustainability and Career Day. We put a lot of effort into organising events for the employees in Agro Food Park, as we know it is important to establish connections and networks between employees and companies. We are pleased that the respondents also think so. The same goes for the quarterly social events and the quarterly Friday bar on Thursdays. Around 50% of respondents find these events somewhat or very important. Common to the professional and social events is that about 1/3 of the respondents do not know if the events are used or do not believe that the events are used. We do what we can to tell about events in Monday News, on the info screens and on our website, and we try to make the professional events as relevant as possible. Something we are really pleased to see is that 92% of respondents value being part of an environment that offers these events targeted at employees, so we will continue to do so. Some of the respondents have even written that it is an inspiration to be a tenant, and we are happy about that.

Communication and information
60% of respondents give the relevance of Monday News a score of 8 or more out of 10. We are pleased to see that the vast majority of respondents find Monday News relevant. The same goes for the general level of information, with 88% of respondents saying they are satisfied or very satisfied. We are very pleased to see that everyone is happy with our internal communication in Agro Food Park. However, there are also people in Agro Food Park that our communication unfortunately does not reach yet. We assure you that we do everything we can to provide you with the most relevant and exciting information, as well as to make all possibilities for information available.

66% of respondents have gained new collaborations or customers as a result of being part of Agro Food Park. 42% of respondents have collaborated with innovation players such as Food & Bio Cluster Denmark, Aarhus University or the Danish Technological Institute in Agro Food Park for business development. 60% of respondents have 1-5 collaborations with other companies in Agro Food Park and 20% have 5 or more. We are very pleased to hear this, as Agro Food Park's entire mission is to connect competences across companies in the agricultural and food industry. There are also many supporters of the fact that all companies in Agro Food Park are related to the agricultural and food industry. 48% believe that it is very appealing that the companies in Agro Food Park are all related to the agricultural and food industry. 32% believe it to some extent. There is broad agreement that the larger "anchor" companies, such as SEGES Innovation, Arla Food Innovations Centre, Aarhus University and VikingDanmark, as well as the incubator/start-up environment, make Agro Food Park more attractive to be in. 72% believe that the "anchor" companies are of great or some importance to Agro Food Park's attractiveness, and 80% believe that the incubator is of great importance to Agro Food Park's attractiveness. At the same time, the proximity to customers and business partners is also something that is of great importance to the respondents. 70% believe that the proximity to customers and business partners is of great or very great importance. 51% believe that the proximity to the knowledge environment and research competences is of great or very great importance. 38% believe that the proximity to educational institutions and students/new talents is of great or very great importance.

Although there are many collaborations in Agro Food Park, there is clearly potential for more, but this requires more knowledge about each other. 26% of respondents believe that there would be greater business potential for their company if they had greater knowledge about the other companies in Agro Food Park. 36% believe that there would be to some extent. And 24% believe it would be to a modest degree. At the same time, 58% believe that the employees in their company have the same level of knowledge of the other companies in Agro Food Park as they had in 2021. Based on this, we clearly see potential in creating many more initiatives to increase awareness of each other in Agro Food Park. First on the list is a new booklet that we are in the process of making. The booklet will contain a short description of all the companies in Agro Food Park, as well as a network person from each company who is ready to network and put people together. We hope that this book will increase awareness.

Service Providers and Project & Career Space
40% of respondents believe that service providers in the Agro Food Park are of great or some importance. These service providers are companies where you can buy services such as recruitment, communication, accountant/lawyer assistance and printing. 46% believe that the Project & Career Space is of some or minor importance, e.g. in relation to attracting new employees. Project & Career Space is a physical environment in Agro Food Park 26 where students can work on projects and thesis, as well as participate in career preparation activities. Awareness of our service providers and Project & Career Space is not as high as we would like. We will work to improve this.

Development of companies in Agro Food Park
30% of the respondents' companies have grown in number of employees from 2021 to 2022. As many as 52% of the respondents' companies have had higher turnover in 2022 compared to 2021. Many of the companies' increase in turnover stems from products that they have introduced to the market within the last 3 years. 40% believe that their company/department in Agro Food Park to a large extent has a healthy development. 52% believe that they have a healthy development to some extent. We can therefore confidently say that most companies in Agro Food Park are doing very well. As many as 94% of respondents consider it a strength for their company that Agro Food Park is a brand and not just "neutral" square metres. We will continue to do what we can to maintain a strong brand for Agro Food Park, and we are pleased that business is going well for the vast majority of companies.