Agro Food Park gets a new branding video 

The production company Impuls Film is behind our new branding video, which focuses on everything we do in Agro Food Park - and why.

It can quickly get complicated, when you need to explain what Agro Food Park is. You would have to get around 80 companies, which all are part of the ecosystem and ranges from large companies in their own domiciles to small start-ups that rents a desk. 

Together these companies attract 1,200 technological geniuses, knowledgeable consultants, innovative project teams and industry-specific experts to Agro Food Park. 

So: How do you explain that in a simple way?

"The video is an amazing media for storytelling, because the visuals add an extra dimension to the story. We don't have say it all in words: We can show it. That is why all the scenes are recorded in Agro Food Park, so we could show the diversity here,” says director of Agro Food Park Anne-Marie Hansen. 

Impuls Film is behind the camera
One thing is to decide that a video would be the perfect media for the story about Agro Food Park - a whole other thing is to create the video. 

Luckily, Impuls Film from Aarhus was not afraid to take that task. 

"Normally, when we do a job like this, it is all about one company. Agro Food Park is different because there is so many companies out here, that had to be included in the story. We therefore chose to focus on what the companies and Agro Food Park have in common: Developing the future of food," explains the photographer behind the video Alexander Bachmann. 

Alexander Bahcmann furthermore says that they have succeeded with this video because of the goodwill and positive energy from all the participants from Agro Food Park, who helped with the video: 

"It makes it so much easier to make a great video, when we are being greeted with goodwill and passion, and when the cast and companies really wants to help. In addition, it is a great advantage that there are so many exciting and different companies gathered in one place. That made it really easy for us to choose just the right scenes without even leaving Agro Food Park."