IMG 8838

35th anniversary - The canteen in Agro Food Park 15 in the old days

You can sometimes forget that Agro Food Park has not always been Agro Food Park. Among other things, the building we today call Agro Food Park 15 existed long before Agro Food Park was founded in 2009. Just like the canteen in Agro Food Park 15, where Lone Byskov works, and Lone has actually been part of the canteen since it's very beginning. Last Thursday the 1st of December, Lone could celebrate her 35th anniversary. Congratulations on Lone! In honor of that we had a chat with Lone about the canteen and her work.

Lone started on December 1st 1987. The same day the canteen opened for the first time. The canteen were looking for a kitchen assistant at the time, because they had to start cooking from scratch for the first time. Lone applied for the job and was lucky enough to get it. Back when the canteen opened, it was very different from what it is today.

"There was smørbrød and a warm dish. Not hot food, but a warm dish. There was no salad buffet, that was unknown back then. You were also allowed to smoke in the canteen, we had to empty ashtrays. We were serving the food in the guest canteen. Three courses: starter, main course and then cheese for dessert. At the beginning, you could also get a schnapps for the herring, and there was Gammel Dansk in the meeting rooms. So it was definitely very, very different than it is today.” - Says Lone about the time the canteen started.

Lone sees the canteen and the building as a place that has never stood still. It has been expanded and expanded upon for as long as Lone can remember. Already within the first year, another wing was already being built. Today, Agro Food Park 15 consists of three atriums, but when Lone started there were only two atriums.

"It has been a place which has managed to keep up with the times and developments that have taken place within the world of food. The biggest development has been self-service. We didn't do that at all back then. There was cashier service, and you paid with cash. The checkout was right where the salad buffet starts today. We also had cupboards with cigarettes which had to be locked every day and taken out again in the morning. It was something completely different.” - Lone tells about the canteen and it's development.

Although Lone fondly looks back on the old days, she also thinks it's great to be away from the old, and that the canteen keeps up with the times. One of the newest initiatives that Lone talks about is the reduction of meat.

"I think it's great that we're away from the old days and that you keep up with the times. Nowadays, we have to cut down on meat, and that is something that we have a lot of focus on. Probably because of my age, I'm mostly into the more classic cuisine, but the fact that you can also develop on it, and turn it into something new that you can eat today, I think that's been exciting." – Lone explains.

The continuous development and change in the kitchen and the way of cooking are some of the reasons why Lone has stayed in the canteen for so long. She is proud to be in a workplace and in a canteen that does so much to keep up with the times.

"My passion is food, and it has always been food, so it's great to continue to be involved with food. I haven't needed to look for new challenges, because I think I've been challenged enough here. I've had some good colleagues, so I think it has just been good. Providing service is also something I really like. We are here to help customers, and as long as a costumers wish is possible to fulfill, we do so, and we are allowed to do so. I think that's great!” – Lone exclaims.

According to Lone, she hopes to be able to stay here for another five years. At least that's her plan, but takes it one day at a time and she also knows that age is pressing on.

"I got a new hip this summer, and this week is actually the first week I'm back full-time after that. You don't turn 25 again just because you get a new hip. But I have some nice colleagues who accommodate my situation. I think that's great.” - Lone concludes.

Congratulations on the anniversary to Lone! See you in the canteen next time.