Career Day 2022
The activities are fully booked, but you can still join the Career Area, where more than 35 companies are ready to chat, network and show you what they are working on. So sign up for Timeslot 1 or 2!
Is your future in the Danish food and agriculture business?
An old success is back again in Agro Food Park this fall. On September 21st Agro Food Park, Foodjob Nordic and Business Region Aarhus are inviting all students to an exciting and inspirational day with presentations, workshops and networking. Grab all your study buddies and learn about your future opportunities for a career in food and agriculture.
And no, you do not need to be a food scientist or nutritional expert to be part of this business. Food and agriculture companies need employees within a wide range of fields. There is a need for engineers, business developers, accountants, communicators, marketers. Basically anything that you can think of in a company!
More than 30 companies and 500 students will participate in this event. The Agro Food Park Career Day will this year happen in the newly built Agro Food Park 26.
There are two similar timeslots that you can sign up for, one at 10.00-13.00 and another at 13.30-16.30, so choose the one which fits you the best. Identical for both timeslots will be the career area, where more than 35 companies will have different booths, showcasing what they work with. Here it is just up to you to network, ask questions and have interesting conversations with all the companies. There is a list of some of the companies further down on this page. For the differences between the timeslots, please read the programs below.
Timeslot 1 Program:
10.00 - Welcome
Director of Agro Food Park Anne-Marie Hansen and Business Region Aarhus makes a formal welcome, together with 4 young newly employed in the agriculture and food busniess.
10.15 - 13.00 - Visit Stands
The career area with all the stands are open. Walk around freely, and explore your future career opportunities.
11.00 - 11.20 - Presentation: A future with climate friendly cows
Hear Professor at the Aarhus University Department of Animal Science Mette Olaf Nielsen explain about methane reduction in animal feed. How can we get to a future with climate friendly cows?
11.30 - Sandwiches To-Go
Sandwiches will be handed out from 11.30 to all participants. Feel free to walk around the booths while you eat.
11.30 - 12.00 - Q&A: Entreprenuership
There is plenty of choices when it comes to your future career. One of those choices is to start your own company. Meet two young entreprenuers and hear about their journey towards creating their own company. After a short presentation, there will be plenty of time to ask questions about entreprenuership.
12.00 - 12.40 - Tour at Arla Innovation Centre
Visit Arla Innovation Centre in Agro Food Park and get a feeling of who Arla Foods are, what they work with and how it is to work there.
12.10 - 12.40 - Presentation: Plant-based dairy, meat and seafood subsitutes
General Manager of ISI Food Protection Dieter Elsser-Gravers presents the work that ISI does with dairy, meat and seafood substitutes. Dieter will talk about why plantbased substitutes are loved by many costumers, but also by unwanted microorganisms.
13.00 - Networking
Did you participate in both presentations and the workshop, and didn't get to talk with that many companies?Now you have a little ekstra time to do so, before the next timeslot begins.
If you want to join Timeslot 1, please click here.
Timeslot 2 Program:
13.30 - Welcome
Director of Agro Food Park Anne-Marie Hansen and Business Region Aarhus makes a formal welcome, together with 4 young newly employed in the agriculture and food busniess.
13.45 - 16.30 - Visit Booths
The career area with all the booths are open. Walk around freely, and explore your future career opportunities.
14.30 - 14.50 - Presentation: Market development for organic products
Project- and HR-Chief at Økologisk Landsforening Mette Villekær looks into the market development for organic products from 2021 to 2022 and what kind of developments they expect for the organic market the next decade.
15.00 - 15.40 - Tour at Aarhus University Department of Food Science
Join a tour to AU Foods in Agro Food Park. Hear about what they work with in their greenhouses.
15.15 - 15.45 - Q&A: First job - What are HR looking for?
Meet three HR representatives from different companies. Hear what they are looking for in potential new employees, and ask as many questions about the employment and job searching as you can. A short presentation will be given by each representative, and afterwards there will be plenty of time to ask questions.
15.30 - 15.50 - Presentation: New innovative potatobased ingredients
R&D Director Line Bach Christensen from KMC presents how KMC work with research and development towards new and innovative potatobased ingredients for the plantbased market.
16.30 - Food, Drinks & Networking
Grab a bite to eat and something to drink while you walk around and network with other companies and students
If you want to join Timeslot 2, please click here.
Companies participating in Career Day 2022